Hello DPAG Members
Since last in touch, we have seen some successes with partners delivering on a few of the projects outlined in the “Dynamically Different Dumfries” document. We have now had our first success in gaining external funding and were very recently awarded just over £11K from the Council-managed Community Led Vision Fund.
This has allowed us to buy-in support and expertise to put together 4 work streams from DDD around what were seen through our early engagement as important ‘amber’ projects. Those projects are:-
Ø Town Centre Management (better co-ordination of daily town services and support);
Ø Town Centre Digital (improved digital services for residents, businesses and visitors);
Ø Active Travel (to improve an encourage active travel and movement in the town centre and around the town);
Ø Town Centre Management – Developing and better promoting the town’s entertainment and cultural offer (a strong priority identified through engagement, which will also support tourism).
Work on these themes has just started with initial sessions planned with local agencies responsible for supporting businesses and projects. The aim is to clarify what is already happening and what action is needed around these themes, which agencies might support delivery and what potential resources and funding streams exist. This will help the board and members prioritise aspects of the “DDD” Action Plan and will also inform how we approach other projects, and funding streams in future. After the discussions with partners, a draft prioritized action plan will be presented to the DPAG Board, members, and wider partners for discussion.
We have also been approached on how DPAG can support two other programmes.
The Council-led CARS (Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme) is due a refresh and extension in the spring and we are in consultation with DGC colleagues to see how we can support conversations with local businesses to ensure the investment is effectively targeted in the town centre and ensure grants are effectively accessed. The CARS programme is identified in “DDD” as one of our core projects so working closely with the Council is critical to meeting our joint objectives of improving our built environment.
DPAG has also been approached by South of Scotland Enterprise to assist with the development and launch of the Kirkpatrick C2C, South of Scotland’s Coast to Coast cycle route. This is to be widely promoted at regional and national level and Dumfries is identified as one of the core towns along the route which can support cyclists through accessing cycle-friendly businesses, accommodation providers etc. It all ties in nicely too with the Active Travel Plan outlined above.
We’ll keep you posted on all of the above, but in the meantime if you have any thoughts or ideas as to how you might help with these or any other projects in the “DDD” programme , please let us know.